This page will help you get started with Obtaining an Access Token

To obtain an access token, a POST request with the client authentication details is needed. The client’s authentication details can be provided in one of two ways.

Option 1: Use basic authentication

Using an Authentication Header, encode your client id and secret for Basic Authentication, where:

  • Username: client_id
  • Password: client_secret


Option 1 is the preferred method.

Option 2: Send authentication details as URL encoded form data

Alternatively you can include the client id and secret as extra values as url encoded form data.


Always Present
StringThe OAuth token to use for further API calls.
Always Present
StringType of access token. Will always be Bearer.
Always Present
NumberThe number of seconds left that access_token is valid.
Always Present
StringA long-lived token which can be used to obtain a new access token.
Always Present
Stringyour client id.
Always Present
DateDate and time the access token was issued.
Always Present
DateDate and time the access token will expire.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!