This page will help you get started with using Refresh Tokens

All access tokens granted will automatically expire after the timeframe specified when retrieving the token, so all developer code must cater for refreshing tokens. You do this by swapping a refresh token for a new access token.

If an access token has been granted, you can use the refresh token included when the original token was granted to automatically retrieve a new access token.


The response to the refresh token request is the same as the response to the initial token grant:

Always Present
StringThe OAuth token to use for further API calls.
Always Present
StringType of access token. Will always be Bearer.
Always Present
NumberThe number of seconds left that access_token is valid.
Always Present
StringA long-lived token which can be used to obtain a new access token.
Always Present
Stringyour client id.
Always Present
DateDate and time the access token was issued.
Always Present
DateDate and time the access token will expire.



Please note each refresh token can only be used once. Each response to refresh an access token request will return a refresh token that needs to be used next time.

Using Access tokens to make API calls

When making API calls with an OAuth access token, the token should be passed in as a bearer token in the Authorization header of an API request.

So for example, if your access token was JKTmODIzNTBhODQ1ZWU5ZDkz, the authorization header of your HTTPS requests would be Authorization: Bearer JKTmODIzNTBhODQ1ZWU5ZDkz.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!