This page will provide you with detail about the data that makes up the object
Subscription Basic
The subscription object with basic information. Following are the details of the Subscription Basic object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
calendarSubscriptionId Always Present | UUID/GUID | Identifier that represents a unique user that has subscribed to a calendar. |
calendarId Always Present | UUID/GUID | Identifier that represents the calendar a subscription was for. |
calendarTitle Always Present | String | The name of the calendar the user has subscribed to. |
calendarCode Always Present | String | A URL safe code that uniquely identifies the calendar the user has subscribed to. |
subscriptionMethod Sometimes Present | String | Value that represents the type of subscription created. Currently supported values: Webcal, Google and Microsoft |
"calendarSubscriptionId": "7ae10174-37fb-4448-8f61-2f86f167009e",
"calendarId": "4a2d4acb-bd05-e511-af43-067f1c947754",
"calendarTitle": "My Sports Calendar",
"calendarCode": "my-sports-calendar",
"subscriptionMethod": "Google",
Subscription Details
The subscription object with detailed information. Following are the details of the Subscription Details object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
calendarSubscriptionId Always Present | UUID/GUID | Identifier that represents a unique user that has subscribed to a calendar. |
calendarId Always Present | UUID/GUID | Identifier that represents the calendar a subscription was for. |
calendarTitle Always Present | String | The name of the calendar the user has subscribed to. |
calendarCode Always Present | String | A URL safe code that uniquely identifies the calendar the user has subscribed to. |
subscriptionMethod Sometimes Present | String | Value that represents the type of subscription created. Currently supported values: Webcal, Google and Microsoft |
calendarTags Sometimes Present | CalendarTags[] | Array of calendar tags to filter events by. Tags are used to group similar events. For example all events that belong to the same sporting team can be tagged with a team name. When a tagId is used, the subscription will only include events tagged with the selected tag. |
timeZoneTag Sometimes Present | TimeZoneTag | Time Zone to filter events by, If used, the subscription will include events that are tagged with this time zone and any events that are not tagged with a time zone. |
subscriberExternalId Sometimes Present | String | Identifier that represents the subscriber for the account, as received from a 3rd party system. E.g. email address, device id, anonymous id |
emailAddress Sometimes Present | String | Email address linked to the subscription. Rokt Calendar allows you to capture the the email address of a subscriber so that you can market to the subscriber at a later date. |
additionalOptIn Optional | Boolean | Additional opt-in allows the subscriber to specify if they are opting-in to the question/statement as defined by the copy associated with the checkbox. |
isMarketingAllowed Sometimes Present | Boolean | Marketing opt-in allows the subscriber to specify if they give permission for their email address to be used for marketing purposes. |
enteredPostCode Sometimes Present | String | An optional field for calendars that utilise channel ID. This is a US Zip Code or Canadian Postal Code. |
cableProvider Sometimes Present | String | The name of the TV provider as selected by the end-user during the subscription process. This is based on available providers in a specified zip code. |
cableProviderLocation Sometimes Present | String | The location of the TV provider as selected by the end-user during the subscription process. |
remoteIpAddress Sometimes Present | String | IP Address of the user. Used for monitoring and logging purposes |
userAgent Always Present | String | User agent of the user. This is required to determine the if it should be a WebCal or Google subscription. The user agent string extracted from the http header of the API request. This is used to identify the users operating system, device and other important parameters. |
referrer Sometimes Present | String | Url referrer of the user. Used for Dashboard Analytics. The place from which the subscriber navigated to the calendar page. e.g. Facebook |
countryCode Sometimes Present | String | The country code indicating the country from which the subscription was initiated, in format: ISO Alpha-2. |
geoCountry Sometimes Present | String | Indicating the country from which the subscription was initiated. |
source Sometimes Present | String | A consolidated view of the subscription referrer grouped at the domain level. |
deviceName Always Present | String | The device type from which the subscription was initiated. |
utmSource Sometimes Present | String | Value used to identify the referring subscriber Source. This is used as the UTM Source in Dashboard Analytics. e.g. Newsletter-December. |
utmMedium Sometimes Present | String | Value used to identify the referring subscriber Medium. This is used as the UTM Source in Dashboard Analytics. e.g. Email |
utmCampaign Sometimes Present | String | Value used to identify the referring subscriber Campaign. in Dashboard Analytics. e.g. Summer Campaign |
utmContent Sometimes Present | String | Value used to identify the referring subscriber Content. Used for Dashboard Analytics. in Dashboard Analytics. e.g. 400x300 banner |
createdDateTimeUtc Always Present | DateTime | Date and time in UTC that the subscription was created. |
confirmationDateTimeUtc Always Present | DateTime | Date and time in UTC that the subscription was confirmed. |
"calendarSubscriptionId": "7ae10174-37fb-4448-8f61-2f86f167009e",
"calendarId": "4a2d4acb-bd05-e511-af43-067f1c947754",
"calendarTitle": "My Sports Calendar",
"calendarCode": "my-sports-calendar",
"subscriptionMethod": "Google",
"calendarTags": [
"tagId": "6513319e-d3e1-4497-89ee-b5dcee9a58bc",
"tagText": "Team G"
"timeZoneTag": {
"windowsName": "Eastern Standard Time"
"createdDateTimeUtc": "2017-03-15 03:48:24.822495",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"additionalOptIn": false,
"isMarketingAllowed": true,
"remoteIpAddress": "",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36",
"Referer": "",
"enteredPostCode": "90210",
"cableProvider": "DIRECTV",
"cableProviderLocation": "New York",
"countryCode": "US",
"geoCountry": "United States",
"deviceName": "Desktop",
"utmSource": "Facebook",
"utmMedium": "Display",
"utmCampaign": "2017",
"utmContent": "Mobile_320x50",
"source": ""
Subscription Removed
The subscription object with basic and deactivation information. Following are the details of the Subscription Removed object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
calendarSubscriptionId Always Present | UUID/GUID | Identifier that represents a unique user that has subscribed to a calendar. |
calendarId Always Present | UUID/GUID | Identifier that represents the calendar a subscription was for. |
calendarTitle Always Present | String | The name of the calendar the user has subscribed to. |
calendarCode Always Present | String | A URL safe code that uniquely identifies the calendar the user has subscribed to. |
subscriptionMethod Sometimes Present | String | Value that represents the type of subscription created. Currently supported values: Webcal, Google and Microsoft |
remoteIpAddress Sometimes Present | String | IP Address of the user. Used for monitoring and logging purposes |
userAgent Always Present | String | User agent of the user. This is required to determine the if it should be a WebCal or Google subscription. The user agent string extracted from the http header of the API request. This is used to identify the users operating system, device and other important parameters. |
countryCode Sometimes Present | String | The country code indicating the country from which the subscription was initiated, in format: ISO Alpha-2. |
geoCountry Sometimes Present | String | Indicating the country from which the subscription was initiated. |
deviceName Always Present | String | The device type from which the subscription was initiated. |
removedDateTimeUtc Always Present | DateTime | Date and time in UTC that the subscription was unsubscribed. |
unsubscribeReasonText Sometimes Present | String | Text that represents the unsubscribe reason. |
"removedDateTimeUtc": "2020-05-06 01:18:49.755190",
"unsubscribeReasonText": "The event has come to an end",
"remoteIpAddress": "",
"countryCode": "US",
"geoCountry": "United States",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.129 Safari/537.36",
"deviceName": "Desktop",
"calendarSubscriptionId": "7ae10174-37fb-4448-8f61-2f86f167009e",
"calendarId": "f9ddd95e-676d-ea11-aa56-067315f8d3af",
"calendarTitle": "domain",
"calendarCode": "domain",
"subscriptionMethod": "Microsoft"
Subscription Event Basic
The subscription event object with Id only. Following are the details of the Subscription Event Basic object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventId Always Present | String | Identifier that represents a unique event from an external provider |
"eventId": "391756"
Subscription Event Details
The subscription event object with details. Following are the details of the Subscription Event Details object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventId Always Present | String | Identifier that represents a unique event from an external provider |
title Always Present | String | Text that represents the title of the event |
description Always Present | String | Text that represents the description of the event |
location Always Present | String | Text that represents the location of the event |
reminderMinutes Sometimes Present | Integer | Number that represents the minutes of reminder prompt before the event start time. There will be no reminder prompt if the value is not presented |
timezoneBclId Always Present | String | Value matches a Windows Time Zones Name. |
timezoneIanaId Always Present | String | Value matches a IANA Time Zones Name. |
startDateTimeUtc Always Present | DateTime | Date and time in UTC that the event starts. |
startDateTime Always Present | DateTime | Date and time in local timezone that the event starts. |
endDateTime Always Present | DateTime | Date and time in local timezone that the event ends. |
createdDateTimeUtc Always Present | DateTime | Date and time in UTC that the event was created. |
lastUpdateDateTimeUtc Sometimes Present | DateTime | Date and time in UTC that the event was last updated. |
"title": "Coheed and Cambria CHON",
"location": "The Bomb Factory 2713 Canton Street, Dallas, TX 75226",
"description": "AEG presents Coheed and Cambria CHON live at the The Bomb Factory",
"timezoneBclId": "Central Standard Time",
"timezoneIanaId": "America/Chicago",
"startDateTime": "2020-05-09 20:00:00.000000",
"startDateTimeUtc": "2020-05-10 01:00:00.000000",
"endDateTime": "2020-05-09 21:30:00.000000",
"reminderMinutes": 2880,
"createdDateTimeUtc": "2020-05-05 00:40:51.787000",
"lastUpdatedDateTimeUtc": "2020-05-05 00:40:51.787000",
"eventId": "391756"
Calendar Tag
The following are the details of the Calendar Tag object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
tagId Always Present | UUID/GUID | Identifier that represents a unique tag created for the calendar. |
tagText Always Present | String | Text that represents the tag. When the tag is created it is given custom text. If the custom text is changed please allow 30 mins for the updated text to reflect in the webhooks payload. |
"tagId": "6513319e-d3e1-4497-89ee-b5dcee9a58bc",
"tagText": "TeamG"
Time Zone Tag
The following are the details of the Time Zone Tag object.
windowsName Always Present | String | Value matches a Windows Time Zones Name. |
"windowsName": "Eastern Standard Time"